API Reference

knts cluster create

Creates cluster in the Klusternetes


This command creates a cluster in the Klusternetes. Can configure the version, size, and description of the cluster. You can also authenticate with the account through the export command given in the knts cluster overview page


knts cluster create [<name of cluster>] [flags]


  -d, --description string   Description
  -h, --help                 help for create
  -s, --size string          Size of the new cluster - SMALL / MEDIUM / REGULAR / LARGE / GRAND (default "SMALL")
  -v, --version string       Available Kubeconfig version - v1.22.15-k3s1, v1.23.12-k3s1, v1.24.6-k3s1, v1.25.10-k3s1, v1.26.5-k3s1, v1.27.1-k3s1 (default "v1.23.12-k3s1")

Global Flags

  -l, --log-level string    amount of information outputted (debug, info, warn, error) (default "warn")
      --log-output string   output format for logs (tty, plain, json) (default "tty")