API Reference

knts destroy

Destroys the workload deployed to the cluster


This command destroys the workload in the kubernetes cluster. Destroy everything created by the 'Knts deploy' command. You can also include a 'destroy' section in your knts manifest with a list of custom commands to be executed on destroy


knts destroy [flags]


      --all                destroy everything in the namespace
  -c, --context string     context where the development environment was deployed
  -d, --dependencies       destroy dependencies
  -f, --file string        path to the manifest file
      --force-destroy      forces the development environment to be destroyed even if there is an error executing the custom destroy commands defined in the manifest
  -h, --help               help for destroy
      --name string        development environment name
  -n, --namespace string   overwrites the namespace where the development environment was deployed
      --no-bash            execute commands without bash
  -v, --volumes            remove persistent volumes

Global Flags

  -l, --log-level string    amount of information outputted (debug, info, warn, error) (default "warn")
      --log-output string   output format for logs (tty, plain, json) (default "tty")