API Reference

Klusternetes aims to make the transition from Docker Compose to Kubernetes seamless, enhancing developer productivity and facilitating a smooth development lifecycle.

Key features of klusternetes

Klusternetes offers three main features for an easy and seamless development process:

  • Launcher application
  • CLI
  • Github preview environment

Launcher application

The Klusternetes Launcher Application allows users to spin up mini ephemeral clusters within 20 seconds. These clusters are lightweight and can be exported anywhere. They also have an auto-expiry option. In the launcher application, users can have multiple accounts with multiple data centers, and each account can have up to 16 clusters with a 1 CPU configuration. These clusters can be created with a desired size of CPU and memory and a specific Kubernetes version. Additionally, when creating these clusters, Klusternetes offers an option called Marketplace Add-ons, which are helm configurations of tools like monitoring, CI/CD, databases, and more that can be installed along with the cluster creation.

Klusternetes CLI

Klusternetes offers a CLI that allows you to create, list, and delete clusters from an account in Klusternetes. This CLI also enables the creation of a development environment for developers, allowing them to test their changes during development along with the configuration of other microservices. This simplifies the development process by letting developers know if any other microservice is affected by their changes.

Git hub preview environment

Klusternetes also provides a GitHub Action for pull requests (PRs). This action creates a cluster, deploys the workload with the current changes in the PR, and provides an endpoint as a comment. Through this GitHub comment, the reviewer can easily test the new changes made by the developer without having to fetch and create the entire setup on their local machine.