API Reference

knts init

Launch your development environment


This command launches your development environment. Executes all the steps listed in the knts manifestation file accordingly and activates a development container.


knts up [svc] [flags]


      --command stringArray   external commands to be supplied to 'knts up'
  -c, --context string        context where the up command is executed
  -d, --deploy                Force execution of the commands in the 'deploy' section of the knts manifest (defaults to 'false')
  -e, --env stringArray       envs to add to the development container
  -f, --file string           path to the manifest file
  -h, --help                  help for up
  -n, --namespace string      namespace where the up command is executed
      --reset                 reset the file synchronization database

Global Flags

  -l, --log-level string    amount of information outputted (debug, info, warn, error) (default "warn")
      --log-output string   output format for logs (tty, plain, json) (default "tty")