API Reference

This guide provides instructions on how to use the Knts CLI effectively.

Quick Start


  • Install the Knts CLI by following the installation documentation.

Initial Setup

  1. Navigate to Your Application Directory

    cd <Application directory>
  2. Activate Your Kubernetes Cluster
    Verify your cluster is active with:

    kubectl get nodes
  3. Set the Context for Your Cluster

    knts context use Default # Replace 'Default' with your cluster's context name
  4. Initialize Knts
    This command creates a template for the Knts manifest file:

    knts init

Editing the Manifest File

  1. Uncomment and Edit the Dev Section
    Open the generated manifest file and edit it as needed:

    #AUTOGENERATED template
    # The dev section defines how to activate a development container
    # dev:
    #   sample:
    #     image: knts/dev:latest
    #     command: bash
    #     workdir: /usr/src/app
    #     sync:
    #       - .:/usr/src/app
    #     environment:
    #       - name=$USER
    #     forward:
    #       - 8080:80

Edit it as follows

    image: <base image according to the tech stack>
    command: bash
    workdir: <work directory inside the container>
      - <path/of/the/service/in/vs-code>:<path/of/the/service/inside/the/container>
      - name=$USER # ENV IF ANY
      - 8080:80 # Port used by the application

Activating the Dev Container

  1. Start the Dev Container

    knts up

    This command will sync your local VS Code environment with the container and start the development environment.

    Sample output:

     i  Using default @ Default as context
     i  Running 'helm upgrade --install my-application chart '
    Release "my-application" does not exist. Installing it now.
    NAME: my-application
    NAMESPACE: default
    STATUS: deployed
    TEST SUITE: None
     ✓  Development container 'frontend' selected
     ✓  Persistent volume successfully attached
     ✓  Images successfully pulled
     ✓  Files synchronized
        Context:   Default
        Namespace: default
        Name:      frontend
        Forward:   8080 -> 8080
    I have no name!@frontend-knts:/src$
  • Now you can enjoy your development environment by live syncing your changes to the container and running the application as you would in your local terminal.

Deactivating the Dev Environment

  1. Exit the Container
    To stop working in the container, use:

    knts down
  2. Destroy the Dev Environment
    When you no longer need the development environment for the day:

    knts destroy
  3. Reactivate the Dev Environment
    To start your development environment again:

    knts up

By following these steps, you can effectively use the Knts CLI to manage your development environments seamlessly. Enjoy your development!